Winter storage of a bicycle

frozen bicycle

You can ride a bike all year round, but not everyone will dare to go to such extremes. Already in November, in some states, frost can persist throughout the day, snow falls and strong winds blow. All this makes riders postpone bike rides until the warm weather comes and think about storing their two-wheelers.

Why should winter preservation be given maximum attention?

Any type of equipment requires care and attention, and bicycles are no exception. During the winter, seals and rubber bands dry out and then crack, and taut cables inevitably stretch. Corrosion also causes many difficulties, which greatly reduces the performance of unprotected areas. And fans of carbon frames will inevitably face the formation of microcracks if they do not provide protection from temperature changes in advance.

As a result, you will not be able to go out in the spring, because you will have to repair and replace failed parts. And how long this will take is unknown. That is why it is so important to carry out the appropriate maintenance of the bike and provide suitable conditions for winter storage. After all, cars are driven all year round, regularly face an aggressive external environment, humidity and temperature fluctuations, but serve for decades. And all thanks to preparation for the cold season.

Preparing for winter hibernation

Every responsible owner should know the basics of storing a bike in winter if he plans to use it next season. Simply putting it in a corner or sending it to the balcony will not work. It is important to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Washing. First, take a brush and brush off all the dirt from the brake levers, switches, wheel bushings. Then clean the working units soiled with grease. To tidy up the rear and front sprockets, chain and its tensioner, you can use any solvent, such as acetone, kerosene or white spirit. It is more convenient and economical to use a spray bottle, rather than pouring liquid onto a napkin.
  2. Technical inspection. Minor breakdowns are fixed right before winter, so that in the spring you don’t have to remember what creaked where. Worn out parts are also replaced.
  3. Renewing the lubricant. We change it in the steering column, wheel bushings, pedals and carriage. The procedure should be carried out annually, winter is the most convenient. Be sure to lubricate the washed switches, chain, brake cables. During storage, chrome elements should be protected with a layer of silicone grease, which will prevent corrosion and cracking of the paint. At the same time, it does not harm the rubber parts.
  4. Removing the tension of the springs and cables. Using the switches, we reset the chain to the prohibited position: it should lie on the smallest sprocket at the back and front. We disconnect the cantilever, clamp and V-break brake levers so that the tension of their springs weakens.
  5. Reducing the pressure in the chambers. Usually it is reset to half the normal working pressure – 1.5 atm. The wheels are not completely deflated, even if the bike is going to be on a hanger all winter. If it is going to stand on its wheels, then you will have to pump them up periodically during storage. It would be a good idea to lubricate the tires with glycerin inside and out – this will protect them from cracking.
  6. Removing the power supply elements. Remove the bike computer, navigator, and easily removable lights. If the lights are fixed, take out the batteries, otherwise they may discharge and leak in winter.
  7. Reducing the pressure on the carbon. Loosen the clamps on the handlebar stem and seat post.
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Once the bike has gone through all these procedures, we move on to choosing a place to store it for the long winter months. If space allows, it is best to hang it. Then you will not have to regularly check the tire pressure, plus you will save free space. But for this you will need to purchase special devices.

The simplest mount is a hook under the frame, which is located at waist level. The bicycle will be located stably and at a low height. Or you can buy a hook for the front wheel. It is nailed at a height of 160-180 cm, so that the bike is located almost under the ceiling. In this case, it takes up less space, but is more difficult to remove.

In addition, a rope system for winter storage has become popular, when the saddle and handlebars are hooked onto hooks, and then the bike is pulled up to the ceiling.

The worst places to store

Most people prefer to put their bikes in the garage or on the balcony for the winter, but they forget about several negative factors that will inevitably cause harm. Among them:

  1. Temperature changes. When you turn on the heater or it gets warmer suddenly, water condenses on the cold elements. The more such changes, the more moisture, the more numerous the microcracks in the rubber, plastic, paintwork of the fork and frame;
  2. Direct sunlight. Makes rubber and plastic parts brittle. They burn out and lose elasticity, and eventually simply collapse;
  3. High humidity. First of all, moisture will be released if there are rotting vegetables nearby;
  4. Precipitation. Constant rain and snowfall will spoil both the appearance and technical characteristics of any bike.
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Therefore, if you choose a garage or a balcony, you will need to pack the bike in a waterproof case. As a rule, it has handles by which you can hang it on the wall. But it is better if the loggia is additionally glazed. And in the garage, do not lower the bike into the basement or inspection pit, where it is almost always damp.

Alternatively, you can take the bike to the dacha. But it is rarely heated, and the cold leads to rust and fading. If the premises are warm, then preparing the two-wheeler and a protective cover for it are still mandatory.

What is better: an apartment or a specialized warm warehouse?

Compared to a dacha, balcony and garage, an apartment can be considered an ideal place to store a bike. The only thing is that it is important to keep it away from heating equipment: dry air is harmful to tires and fork seals. However, here the question of compote placement arises. You can disassemble the bike and put it under a sofa or bed, buy hooks on the wall for hanging and even special cabinets.

But if there are problems with free space, then a warm warehouse “Velcom” will be an excellent way out of the situation. Your bike will spend the winter in a heated, dry, ventilated, secure room in an individual cover. The appropriate temperature is always maintained here and direct sunlight is excluded. Upon acceptance, each bike undergoes diagnostics and is insured. You can choose a suitable service package and use our courier service if you cannot deliver the bike yourself.

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