Shifting gears on a bicycle


Multi-speed bicycles have achieved their popularity due to their wide range of capabilities and have pushed simple fixed-speed bicycles into the background. Of course, the latter also have their own circle of admirers and have a number of advantages, but they cannot “help” their owner when necessary.

Climbing uphill or downhill, wind resistance – all this requires a certain amount of effort from the cyclist. Even uneven road surfaces or snow with mud can greatly complicate cycling for a trained and physically developed person.

It is precisely with such difficulties that a bicycle with gear shifting will help to cope, and the main task of the cyclist is to learn how to use them correctly, extracting all the benefits.

Today we will talk about how to shift gears correctly, when to do it and what you need to know about the shifting mechanism.

What are gears for?

  1. A steep climb uphill or a fast descent
  2. A difficult road with uneven surfaces, depressions or bumps
  3. A strong tailwind or headwind
  4. Physical fatigue of the cyclist
  5. The need to develop a certain speed

How it works

The essence of gear shifting is to throw the chain from one sprocket to another, both in the front and in the back. This involves levers on the handlebars and gear shifters. Muscle energy from pedaling is converted into mechanical energy. Depending on the selected speed, you will pedal with less effort, but more often, or with more effort, but less often.

shifting examples

The number of sprockets in the front can vary from one to three, and the number of sprockets in the back from three to 12.

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Sprocket numbering

Sprockets are usually counted in order, starting with the one closest to the bicycle frame. Thus, the front stars are counted in the direction of increasing the stars from small to large (if there is more than one star in front), and the rear stars are the opposite, from the largest to the smallest.

How to shift gears correctly

  1. You can only shift gears while moving, while smoothly rotating the pedals. Shifting on the spot leads to breakage of the switch paw.
  2. You need to shift several gears gradually, one at a time.
  3. You cannot shift the front and rear stars at the same time. Because of this action, the chain can jam.
  4. Shifting gears should happen in advance. That is, before the descent or ascent, and not on it.
  5. If the bike has a planetary gear system, then shifting gears should not happen while moving, but while standing still.
  6. If you hear extraneous sounds or a metallic grinding sound, then this is an indicator of an incorrectly selected gear or a poorly adjusted shifting system.
  7. If you accidentally shifted gears on the spot (except for planetary systems), then you should return the gear to the previous position.

Gear shifting pattern

The figure below clearly shows the correct gear shifting pattern. It should be noted that everything is strictly individual and the optimal mode can only be selected based on your own experience and physical capabilities.

The main idea is that if it has become too easy for you to pedal, then you need to switch to a higher gear. If it has become too difficult to pedal, then use a lower gear.

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You should also remember what the switches on the steering wheel, also called shifters, are responsible for. They can be in the form of levers or in the form of a rotary handle, or in combination with brakes. The right switch is for the rear stars, and the left switch is for the front stars.

Front stars

You should start riding with the middle front star. It is used in most cases and is the most comfortable for smooth roads. Select the rear stars based on your own feelings of leg load. The optimal speed for the middle front star is up to 20-25 km / h.

The first front (the smallest) is used on steep climbs, on sand or mud and the optimal speed for it is up to 10 km / h. The small front star and the largest rear in combination provide maximum power for steep climbs.

The third star in front (the largest) should be chosen for riding on the highway or when descending. Maximum speed can be developed by choosing the largest front star and the smallest rear.

The main thing is that after switching the chain is not very skewed. This can be understood by looking at the position of the chain. A strong skew leads to rapid wear of the chain and other breakdowns.

If the chain moves parallel to the frames of the front derailleur, then there is no skew and the chain is located correctly.

It takes a little practice to understand how everything works. If you follow the basic rules and are not afraid to experiment, then you can quickly learn to use the capabilities of the bike and apply them.

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