Proper nutrition for diabetes – 10 most useful products


Proper nutrition in the presence of type 2 diabetes should be based on controlling the quantity and quality of carbohydrates (keeping in mind a low GI) – as well as including in the diet natural sources of minerals-electrolytes, which play an important role in metabolic processes.

Elevated blood glucose (a typical consequence of type 2 diabetes) is most often associated with thirst – and with excessive loss of water and mineral salts. As a result, the body may experience a lack of electrolyte minerals – sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and others.

Deficiency of these microminerals negatively affects the work of the muscles (including the muscles of the cardiovascular system), the pH of the blood, as well as the body’s ability to generate nerve impulses. That is why, in the presence of diabetes, it is important to include foods with a high content of electrolytes in the diet.

Useful food for diabetes

Having type 2 diabetes is associated with high blood glucose levels, which means choosing foods that are low in carbohydrates. An excess of glucose can disrupt the functions of vital proteins, which leads to pathological changes in almost all organs of the body.

The main rule of nutrition for diabetes is to try to maintain a stable blood sugar level – for this, it is recommended to avoid fast carbohydrates, use sources of fiber, as well as regular meals every few hours, which will allow the body to digest and absorb energy evenly.

However, the preparation of a diet for diabetes should be based on a comprehensive strategy, and not simply on the exclusion of harmful products from the diet and the transition to healthy ones. After all, only the amount and time of use of a particular product plays a role.

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Important caveats

Nutritional strategy in the presence of diabetes largely depends on how exactly the human body reacts to glucose – and even on whether there are other chronic diseases. The presence of excess weight (and especially metabolic syndrome) may require a reduction in the caloric content of the diet.

The advice given in the material is only a generalization and in no case intended to replace the personal recommendations of a doctor. Diabetes is a serious disease that can lead to death in the absence of a proper treatment strategy.

Top-10 useful products

Following a low-carbohydrate diet (a typical nutritional strategy for type 2 diabetes) can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. That is why diabetics need to make sure that natural products with a low GI and high nutrient content are always present in the diet:

  1. Leafy vegetables. Due to their high potassium content, leafy vegetables (mainly spinach, to a lesser extent lettuce and all kinds of cabbage) help improve vascular function. In addition, they contain calcium, magnesium and iron – minerals that have a positive effect on blood parameters.
  2. Greens. On average, 100 g of green vegetables (peas, cucumbers, zucchini-zucchini, etc.) contain no more than 3-6 g of carbohydrates, most of which are fiber. Their regular consumption helps the body to better regulate blood sugar levels.
  3. Berries. The bright color of the berries is due to the presence of flavonoids in the composition. Quercitin (a red or purple pigment) helps reduce the risk of developing chronic vascular diseases by normalizing their permeability. Anthocyanin (purple pigment) can affect blood sugar levels.
  4. Citrus fruits. Since citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit) have a low glycemic index, they can be included in the diet in moderate quantities in the presence of diabetes. Their key advantage is the presence of a large amount of vitamin C, an important component of immunity.
  5. Nuts. On the one hand, nuts are an excellent source of high-quality protein, fiber and minerals. On the other hand, due to their high fat content, they are high in calories. If calorie restriction is not required, nuts can be used in diabetes in small quantities.
  6. Sweet potato (sweet potato). Sweet potato is a plant related to the common potato, but differs from it in its carbohydrate profile and glycemic index. In particular, the content of fiber in sweet potatoes is 50% higher than in ordinary potatoes – the presence of vitamin A can be mentioned among other advantages.
  7. Tomatoes. Tomatoes owe their red color to lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that is a precursor to beta-carotene. Consumption of lycopene helps the body to better fight against oxidative stress of various nature — and the lack of the substance is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Cereals and cereals (moderate amount). The presence of diabetes means an automatic ban on the use of carbohydrates – but imposes restrictions on their glycemic index (and portion size). Whole grain cereals without added sugar (oatmeal, bulgur, pearl barley, buckwheat) are the best choice.
  9. Salmon and salmon. Fatty types of sea and ocean fish (salmon, salmon) include omega-3 fatty acids. In the body, they act as an antioxidant, helping to fight micro-inflammation. In addition, a significant part of the total amount of omega-3 in the body is in the brain – regulating its work.
  10. Yogurt without sugar. Natural unsweetened yogurt (ie, yogurt with no added sugar) is an example of a fermented food product that contains probiotics. Eating yogurt has a positive effect on the state of intestinal microflora, helping the body to better absorb all kinds of food nutrients.
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Can you eat meat with diabetes?

The presence of diabetes does not impose a direct ban on eating meat. It is only important to monitor the total amount of saturated fat in the diet. With a daily norm of 2000 kcal, the upper limit (according to WHO recommendations) is 7% of calories in the form of saturated fats – 20-25 g per day.

Let us remind you that half of butter consists of saturated fatty acids, and one third of cheese. In turn, 100 g of lean beef contains 10-15 g of fat (of which 4-6 g are saturated), and 100 g of chicken breast contains 4 g of fat (of which 1 g is saturated).

At the same time, the World Health Organization reminds that the use of sausages, sausages and other meat semi-finished products should be limited even in the diet of healthy people, not to mention diabetics. Such products have a negative effect on the level of inflammation in the body.


Proper nutrition in the presence of type 2 diabetes should be based on controlling the quantity and quality of carbohydrates (keeping in mind a low GI) – as well as including in the diet natural sources of minerals-electrolytes, which play an important role in metabolic processes.


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